February 28, 2011

The Real Academy Awards Winners

Earlier I tweeted some really nice designed unconventional posters for Oscar-nominated films. Now, on the same day the winners are announced, I want to share with you an alternative list: a top 5 based on these (non official) posters. Remember it is not about the film, only the poster. And the winner is..


February 22, 2011

Books in the Digital Age: Three Visions

Maybe it is time for me to buy a tablet. After all, when Nelson, Alice and Coupland (which is my favorite) will become available you just need one.

Little Tokyo Identity and Packaging

I like the fresh and sophisticated work the people of Pentagram deliver. As one of the best agencies in NY they have much to offer, as for instance, this very simplistic and sophisticated identity for a restaurant called Little Tokyo.

February 16, 2011

Data Visualization in Context

I simply love this stuff. Not only a good way to simplify your data but also very original. I hate it when people try to explain something in difficult language when it can be said in simpler words as well. Either they do not fully understand it themselves, or they are trying to hard to act intelligent. It is the same with data visualization. This is how it also can be done: data visualization in context.


A film about fear, hope and digital culture.


Nice Ad Photos Part 2: Epic, IBM

Earlier I posted Christian Stoll's ad photos for Opel. Although I still really love the simplicity and the clear message, I probably love the photo below, part of the Epic gallery for IBM, even more. I am using it as a wallpaper for more than a week now and I still enjoy watching the nice details. It is almost perfect.

February 14, 2011

3 Ways Good Design Makes You Happy

As a TED and ‘top-lists’ lover I ran into a pretty nice one yesterday on Inspirationfeed.com. This list about graphics and webdesign holds a couple of nice videos including one of Tim Berners-Lee (the inventor of the WWW), Rives' poem (which I shared with you yesterday) and my personal favorite: Don Norman on ‘3 ways good design makes you happy’. Perfect learning material for my User Interface Design course.

February 13, 2011

If I ran the Web

'You could email death people. They would not email you back. But you would get an automated reply.' You have to watch this extremely creative and humoristic poem.

February 12, 2011

Facebook in-car status updates vs. the Future of User Interface Design

A few days ago I raised the question: which of these two concepts (a, b) have the best chance to become a widely used consumer product in 5 years. When browsing the web the past week these two new concepts really grabbed me. 

As an ad lover I obviously checked (almost) all of the Super Bowl XLV commercials (including my personal favorites: Darth Vader Kid of Volkswagen. Chevy’s Miss Evelyn and Chrysler’s Imported from Detroit) which, for most ad lovers, is the ad-highlight of the year. Although not one of my personal favorites, Chevy’s other commercial (option b), introducing a new Facebook in-car innovation, stuck with me the most. Chevy offers real time spoken Facebook status updates in their cars, which can be activated via voice activation. 

Liking this new marketing strategie called 'Product Placement'

Maybe this 'Product Placement' can become very popular one day.

February 11, 2011

February 10, 2011

Why I started blogging 2

About a week ago I told you I would give an explanation of why I started blogging so here it comes. The main reason is to share. A second reason (which can be partly deduced from the subtitle of my blog) is to put everything that I am learning, and have learned, on the web and during my Corporate Communication and Digital Media study at the University of Tilburg, into practice.

As a part of the course Business Information Technology I ought to blog about study related subjects that interest me. So what interests me? Obviously, I am interested in the two main focus points of my study: media and communication. And to be more specific, I love everything that relates to design, advertising, creativity, user interface, apps, social media and new web solutions.

All inspiring ideas and concepts, which are worth spreading, will be shared and discussed on this blog. Apart from the subjects mentioned above I will, as a member of the HOPE (Holland Program on Entrepreneurship) team, particularly focus on entrepreneurship. I will share my vision on how (starting) entrepreneurs and business can fully benefit from today’s wonderful opportunities on and off the web.

I attend to blog about entrepreneurial activities once a week. Other inspiring, ‘nice to know’ and interesting news, videos or other media will be shared and discussed on a non-regular basis so make sure you keep checking for updates here, or on my twitter.

To conclude I will give away the subjects of my next two blogs: (1) which of these concepts (a, b) have the best chance to become a widely used consumer product in 5 years, and (2) how to give your start-up company a boost with the use of media and communication.  

February 3, 2011

What is the internet anyway?

I think kids nowadays can not imagine this.

Good vs. Bad interface design

Had a nice lecture yesterday about user interface design. Some bad designs were explained as shown below: why unlock first to see the time? perhaps skip a few traffic lights? pull or push? and do you also often need two attempts to connect your USB to your computer? To show you how it also can be done here are some great examples of user interface designs. I especially like this one.

February 2, 2011

Why I am exploring social media

Soon I will make clear why I started this blog, why I am on twitter nowadays and what I am planning to share with all of you. For now Gary Vaynerchuk can already give a sneak peak and partly answer the 'why question'. After all, pictures speak louder than words. In the meantime I will keep you updated of all things which, I think, are worth sharing.

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