February 10, 2011

Why I started blogging 2

About a week ago I told you I would give an explanation of why I started blogging so here it comes. The main reason is to share. A second reason (which can be partly deduced from the subtitle of my blog) is to put everything that I am learning, and have learned, on the web and during my Corporate Communication and Digital Media study at the University of Tilburg, into practice.

As a part of the course Business Information Technology I ought to blog about study related subjects that interest me. So what interests me? Obviously, I am interested in the two main focus points of my study: media and communication. And to be more specific, I love everything that relates to design, advertising, creativity, user interface, apps, social media and new web solutions.

All inspiring ideas and concepts, which are worth spreading, will be shared and discussed on this blog. Apart from the subjects mentioned above I will, as a member of the HOPE (Holland Program on Entrepreneurship) team, particularly focus on entrepreneurship. I will share my vision on how (starting) entrepreneurs and business can fully benefit from today’s wonderful opportunities on and off the web.

I attend to blog about entrepreneurial activities once a week. Other inspiring, ‘nice to know’ and interesting news, videos or other media will be shared and discussed on a non-regular basis so make sure you keep checking for updates here, or on my twitter.

To conclude I will give away the subjects of my next two blogs: (1) which of these concepts (a, b) have the best chance to become a widely used consumer product in 5 years, and (2) how to give your start-up company a boost with the use of media and communication.  
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