March 30, 2011

March 26, 2011

Around the world in 80 seconds.

Still love this video promo from about a year ago. Captures the essence of photography: the beauty of discovering and capturing valuable events. A very nice way to promote a camera.

March 25, 2011

8 Tips for Startups on Media Use

Ok so you want to set up a company. First of all you need a business idea and a name. Let’s start with the name. Try to come up with a name that is memorable, notable and uniquely linked to your business. You should be the one where consumers will think about when they hear it. So you have to be original but do not make it to complicated. A mistake that many companies make, is that they think that their name should cover everything the company stands for. Do not try that, that is impossible.

When you have got the name figured out, you need words that can explain what your company or service is about, and why other people need to give you money for it. It is that simple. These words are often referred to as slogans, pay-offs, baselines or mission statements. If you do not have much experience with writing these kinds of statements, then don’t. The solution? Make mantra. Former Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki tells you how in this very educative video: ‘the ultimate test for a mantra is if your telephone operators (which you will have someday, right?) can tell you what it is. If they can, then you’re onto something meaningful and memorable. If they can’t, then, well, it sucks page’.

March 24, 2011

A Time Machine for the Web

This could become quite interesting and it definitely has potential. And it makes you wonder how we are going to look back in 15 years on all the things we published online in the past. Looking back in the past of say, future politicians, will definitely result in some extra scandals. #Nice

March 23, 2011

Well Transformed Visual Identities

I ran into a real original corporate identity entitled Just Moved, which is created by Transformer graphic design studio. I really love their own website and it’s content as well. Although it does not look real spectacular at first it is a very pleasant experience and definitely worth watching. 

I really like the way they present their divers portfolio. First, some nice to know info followed by nicely photographed graphic design. I especially like two things: they make full use of the space available on a webpage (no superfluous elements) and they photographed and present their work mostly in context. The fluent navigation, subtle sound effects and the (real) full screen mode complete the (well designed) picture. 

March 4, 2011

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